
ROSE stories
Fri 3 May ’24
Join us on a journey of discovery through the universe
Fri 3 May ’24

Enter the cosmic bubble of MAAN and join us on a journey of discovery through the universe! An adventure with dance, music and an extensive educational package with specific attention to the role of women in space travel.

As two astronauts prepare for departure, a lunar landscape unfolds in which you learn how to walk, jump and even dance in space. Fly to the red deserts of Mars, slide on the ring of Saturn, pass by the giant Jupiter, and disappear on Pluto. 

  • Excludes beverage
  • children must also have a ticket

"een voorstelling die je ervaart als een cadeautje."


About ROSE stories

ROSE stories creates theater with distinctive artists who tell stories that only they can tell best. From the theater hit Melk & Dadels to the intimate puppet show Granm'ma: ROSE stories shares tales that hold up a mirror to us or allow us to look through the eyes of someone else.


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In seizoen 2024/2025 presenteren we, naast ruim 330 voorstellingen, meer bijzonders.
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